A Bathing Ape
Case Studies
AHAM Capital
Cohizon Life Sciences
Fast Logistics
Fujian Jinuo
Good Choice
Gujarat Titans
HealthCare Global
Landers Superstore
Ngern Tid Lor
Nirvana Asia
Phuong Chau
Plus Company
PT Samator Indo Gas
QSR Brands
The selected companies are presented solely to illustrate the types of investments that may be made by CVC for one or more strategies, and are not representative of all transactions of any given strategy. References to a particular investment should not be considered a recommendation by CVC. The investments presented were made under market, economic and supply-demand conditions which may not be replicated, and future investments may have characteristics that differ from the case studies presented here. Consequently, there can be no assurance that CVC funds will be able to invest in similar opportunities in the future. It should not be assumed that the case studies presented here or that any investments made in the future were or will be profitable.